Atomica Companion Privacy Policy

Atomica Companion does not collect any of your data.  The developer, Michael Trainor ("I"), takes your privacy very seriously.  I neither want nor need to know anything about your personal data.  To that end, Atomica Companion has been designed to ensure your data remains yours.  

Your settings are the only data stored by the app.  These are saved locally on your device only.

If you choose to contact support or submit a bug report via email, your email address and any messages may be retained.  Additionally, the body of the email will be pre-populated with information about the app version and your iOS version.  You are welcome to delete this information before sending the email if you do not wish to share it.


If you believe that I have not adhered to this policy, or have any other questions or comments, please contact  I will use commercially reasonable efforts to promptly determine and remedy the problem.

Changes To This Policy

If I decide to change the privacy policy, I will post those changes on this page.  Summary of changes so far: